Category Archives: 8th Grade Social Studeis


#include “Servo.h”

Servo myservo;

void setup()
myservo.write(60);  // set servo to mid-point

void loop()






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Filed under 8th Grade Social Studeis

Immigration in Milwaukee

Historically Milwaukee has long been an important destination for new immigrants.  At certain points in the city’s history over half the population was foreign born.  While this made the city very diverse, and provided a large labor force for industry, it also led to problems as different groups clashed.  As different groups moved into the city they settled into one location.  This “self segregation” by the different immigrant groups caused different parts of the city to look and feel different from each other.  Even today Milwaukee continues to be segregated along those original lines, with new immigrants taking the place of old.  In fact, Milwaukee is frequently labeled as the most segregated city in the United States.

Your assignment today.

1) Read one of the articles listed below.

2) Write a one page reflection on the article.  Be sure to answer or address the following questions in your reflection.

  • Who, what,where, when, how (the basics).
  • What your opinion on the article is (did you like it, dislike it, why?)
  • How it made you feel.
  • Connect the events in the article to events in modern life.

When finished you have reading and work in both Social Studies and Science.

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Filed under 8th Grade Social Studeis

The Second Wave Of Immigration

Immigrants exiting ships in New York.

Goal: To research and learn the stories of individual immigrants coming into the United States.

Backstory: Between 1860 and 1900 around 35 million immigrants made the move to the United States.  This Second Wave of immigrants left their countries for a variety of reasons, but they all came to the United States for the same reason; to create a better life for themselves and their families.  While these were the exact same dreams that every other immigrant in American history had, this Second Wave faced harsh opposition.  People in the United States were arguing to close the very same borders that had brought in their ansestors a very short time before.  New laws were being draft and passed to keep out certain groups of people, while allowing others in.  Laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act were put into place in order to keep America “white” and “Western European” looking.

Activity: In today’s activity you’ll be researching the stories of individual immigrants.  Both past and present.  You’ll be comparing these stories in order to gain a better understanding of how immigration has changed (or not changed) in the past 100 years.  Understanding these people and their stories will help you better understand your own families’ immigration story as well as the roots of our country.


Have with you a piece of paper and a pencil.  At the end of class you will be turning in the answers to these questions.  If you need additional time during study hall, you may use it.

Immigration: Stories of Yesterday

  • Read A Boy’s Journey.  At the bottom of each page there are reflection questions.  Pick any 3 and answer them.  (Answer more if you’d like.)
  • Read Angel Island: Li Keng Wong’s Story.  Again, at the bottom of each page are reflection questions.  Pick any 3 and answer them.  (Or more if you’d like.)
  • Read these three stories about modern day immigrants, Immigration: Three Recent Immigrants. (You may also want to read the “Ask a question” section.)
  • Write a short paragraph (5 – 6 sentences) comparing the experiences of the “old” immigrant children to the “new” immigrant children.  How were their experiences the same, how were they different?
  • Many modern day immigrants come from Asia.  Use this interactive map to see where these immigrants are coming from.

Immigration Explorer Map – Interactive timeline map

  • Take a peak at this very fancy interactive map.
  • Use it to see how and where different groups of immigrants settled within the United States over the past 130 years.
  • Compare map of 1880 with map of 2000.  How has it changed?  What groups are now more prevalent?  Are people settling in different areas?
  • Look at Wisconsin.  How has immigration in Wisconsin changed over time?  Who is the “newest” wave of immigrants to Wisconsin?

Bonus Work

Who were the first illegal immigrants?

Background: Even today people are still arguing about immigration the same way they did over 100 years ago.  Many arguments have not changed during all that time.

Activity: Read this modern day article on immigration “Georgia Lawmakers Pass Illegal Immigration Crackdown.

When finished, answer 3 of the questions at the bottom of the page.

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Filed under 8th Grade Social Studeis